Months of Struggle
Dark were my days
Dark were my months
Months of struggle
Months of healing
Healing my soul
Healing my heart
Heart without love
Heart black as night
Nights full of fears
Nights alone
Alone is what I want to be
Alone is when I am free
Free to feel
Free to release
Release karma
Release conditioning
Conditioning from the past
Conditioning from society
Society is fake
Society wants sameness
Sameness is deadly
Sameness is tedious
Tedious conversations
Tedious humans
Humans don’t excite me
Humans please excite me
Me just me
Me nothing more
More Friends
More Love
Love to live
Love to create
Create magic
Create stillness
Stillness in the mind
Stillness while doing
Doing what you love
Doing you
You are now
You are perfect
Perfect flaws
Perfect shadows
Shadows to embrace
Shadows to accept
Accept joy
Accept struggle
Struggle is growth
Struggle is empowering