Montins Uv Loove
Thir montins that stooid beffoir me
Ma lassie milk soumes breasts
Ah leid upoun heir ballye ye sei
Fir the displey uv heir peaks are the best
Ma lassie ballye moves up and doon
As the watters on the occeane
Bwte thir fyrmeness if ma lassie’s mounds
And ma lassie’s nosthrils blaw betwixt them a coul wynd
Ah knou theer ayre seevan wondirs
Thir warld is prude tae shaw
Bwte thir onis thit ah laye undyr
Na oni ells wull evir knou
Original poem:
The mountains that stood before me
Her creamy white breasts
I lay upon a belly you see
For the view of her summits are the best
Her belly moves up and down
As the waters on the seas
But the stillness of her mounds
And her nostrils blow between them a cool breeze
I know there are seven wonders
The world it proud to show
But the ones that I lay under
No one else will ever know
(Sista's Bloody Sista's/ England, Scotland, Wales & Ireland. Deborah Guzzi contest)