Moon Talks To the Stars
Where are you going, my Little Ones?
Oh, my precious, dear Little Ones ...
do not dishearten at my absences,
as with all, they are but evanescence.
Do I not return each twilight to romp?
Have you yet not grown accustomed?
Be still, Little Ones, I am but at task,
inspiring, painting, weaving romance!
My beloved Little Ones, how you vex!
Endless, our games of hide-and-seek,
chasing You, (marbled blue at my feet),
Sol, waiting to wink us into the dawn.
Oh, it matters not how bright you are,
little consequence, your proportions,
you charm and beguile the sky itself!
Is that not an accolade worthy of any?
There gleams none like you, Little Ones,
I am loved, yes, but my charm is brief,
your allurement is eternal, perfect, true.
How I envy you, my darling Little Ones!
Ah, Sol, such a sweet kiss goodnight,
can you not tarry once to warm us -
to but burnish this blue face of mine?
Oh, such a dazzling adventure, that!
But you are the life-giver, Great Sol,
and ever dutiful in your daily charge -
I, but night light for Terra, (beneath me),
callow caretaker of tides ... and dreams.
Ephemeral, my stay in this wondrous realm,
still, you and your glimmering Little Ones,
will prance and rollick on heaven's breast
'til the blessed angels themselves depart!
So I'll ask of you now, Great Sol, please,
watch over my bright wee friends, alight,
for our nightly games have warmed me,
and their companionship, ever soothed ...
My shining ...
precious ...
dear ...
Little Ones!
~ 2nd Place ~ in the "A Star's Heartbeat" Poetry Contest, Chantelle Anne Cooke, Judge & Sponsor.