Moonlight On Your Neck
On your neck the moonlight
caressing the crescent hairline
a boy flying kites
I sip a little red wine
Out of the window
leaves rustle gently
Moonlight walking on the toes
shifts on a bunch of the lily
A blade of a deep urge
raising ripples in my pores
A sea lavishing its surge
on delightedly bursting shore
The pomegranate cracked open
pink pearls travelled to your fingers
Desires so long unspoken
didn't agree to linger
The fireplace I was sure
you looked for too
I watched heat waves on your face
and seas in eyes turning blue
Let the dense clouds combine
in a lightning sketching the storm
the sparks it's hard to define
rendering us devoid of form
Wings of the eagle
swimming aloft in the air
With the golden grey clouds
an ecstatic affair