Moonlit Music
Moonlit Music
Dusty dusk wearing charcoal mask emerged
to tranquil turquoise canvas of firmament.
On ebon night Full Moon marooned in starless sky
watching own shimmering reflection in aqua flow
on glimmering glow.
Gentle breeze creating whorls on wavy aqueous surface
framing lattice of shadows of foliage alongside.
Muse of lone heart dribbling dripping in rue,
starting prelude of song of long-lost love
as I had to bid you adieu.
Lingering urge and tingling passion
flickering with subdued luminous Moonbeam
penetrating through aqua layers
trying to touch abyss of lamenting emotion.
Fervid fervent fervor of forgotten amour
flowing forlorn in despondent solitude.
Cadence continued through interlude.
Yearnings torn in pieces and wisps
whisper to mourn on creases of waves.
Moonbeams quiver
inside water-mirror
in grim gleam,
melting in melancholy
trying to synchronize with melody
of mystic music in gloomy glissando.
First Place
'Impact and Metaphors' Contest by William Kakaula