Love Poem: Moose Medicine
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Moose Medicine

If love is a metaphysical word
for physical synergy,
and synergy is
prime binomial integrating TransParency,
ProGenitor Time of Tao's
nondual co-arising gravity,
merging and emerging in-formation
into this continuing
yet culminating
Great Transition Evolution
of Left-Right bicameral eco-consciousness,
co-empathic ecopolitical trust
and all-consuming integrity

to nuance Joanna Macy,
"Active hope is not wishful thinking...
Active Hope is a readiness to engage"
Moose Medicine,
co-arises most optimally
climatically predicted
decomposing self/other composting
fertile eco-Moosive Embryo,
an EcoChild of Earth's ReGenetic Lusty Love.

In this TransMillennial era
guided by emerging Moose Medicine,
we not only discern
wilting political and economic and ecosystemic
multi-paradigmatic despair,
we also recover
emerging TransParent double-bonding shades
of Moosive bicameral balancing
steamy self/other eco-esteem
non-dually co-gravitating through
every cell of RNA/DNA,
thermodynamically balancing
YangLight with YinPower Flow
of binomially balancing
In-Formative Time for Every MindBody
for co-operative co-arising resonant
inclusive pro-creation.

Those who stop to count the costs of love
look for ways to divest of co-intelligent co-opportunity,
to continue investing in loneliness
and separation
and suffering,
ignoring Earth's mentoring photosynthetic co-operative economy
of light's comprehensive eco-self consciousness,
Her own empowering dream-shadow,
of neutral's dark Jungian unconsciousness,
a fog bank
evaporating as double-binding time
and rhythms
and double-negative returns and co-investments
reiteratively pattern RNA's free fractal love connection.

If Time's eternal unfolding love is Zero-dimensionally balancing,
and love, like synergy,
is nondual-fractal equidimensional 
primal co-gravity,
and human nature's bicameral perception
is bihemispherically two-dimensional:

PositiveForm Ectosymbiotic
DoubleNegativeFunction Endosymbiotic

Ego with Eco,
Yang deducing seducing Yintuition,
reiterative communicant co-redeemers

TransParent Time as co-relational verb's 
Light fractal recycling round form

ing nouns-before-after-now nomials,
dipolar conscientific logos revolutions of co-memeing paradigms,
relearning Earth's String
of disorganic ignorance.

If love is synergetic integrity,
co-arising gravity,
and creation is co-passion's regenerative transgeneration,
how could Moose love cost more than free?

How could co-mentoring redemption
not invest everything
in learning how to co-operatively Be,
free of enslaving domesticated becoming
something of utility,
free to come together
as eco-We's Mutual Moose Medicine

Moose Evolving Medicine,
Eco-Lust Meditation of Guiltless
Free as EgoZero
Ecstatic Joy.