More Audacious Hope
Senator Obama's Audacity of Hope
ends with listing memories,
visual images,
that rekindle his love for this imperfectly united Place
For his Country,
this humane Habitat
for mutual care-giving,
and at least implies this is all he needs,
not yet all he hopes,
for mutual care-receiving.
His vocational visions
of cooperatively developing this Place
are common to cultures
across six of seven Continents,
inhabited by a healthy
and peace-intentional
People for restoring naturally cooperative justice,
not so much relying on retribution,
threat of punishment,
ruthless egotistic competitions,
with Win-Lose evolutionary assumptions
about this sacred Planet.
He runs along Washington's Mall,
while remembering bakers baking bread,
and masons laying bricks and blocks
and Lincolns inaugurating good-faith speeches
and Kings gathering rainbows of good hope
while watching homeless men on benches
rearranging, endlessly, their possessions,
their bricks and blocks for survival,
without judgment or condemnation,
even if without understanding,
with gratitude,
basic positive attitude,
on each and every side.
For, if we do not have proof
those who are differently arranged
and languaged
and encultured
and flagged
than ourselves
are not doing their best,
are not filled with their portion of sacred cooperative grace
for developing this Place,
our spaces
and in nondual dipolar relationship,
And who could know another's Place
so intimately and vulnerably
to have such proof of mere malicious malingering,
shy of Gaian Earth HerSelves?
without proof of full will and full intent GoldenRule violations,
then we are ethically healthier
and aesthetically more satisfied
to continue in good faith,
We, and those around us,
of all ages
and genders
and cultures
and languages
and colors
and rhythms
and flags
sharing this grace-filled Place
sacred vocation.
To run through our Washington Malls
of mind and heart with exercising bodies,
Malls of historic healthy wealth development
remembering, with appreciation,
filling with gratitude,
for writers of democracy-growing unity Constitutions,
layers of trust-growing bricks and blocks,
singers of multiculturing faith,
dancers for MotherEarth's sacred love
and beauty.
Our cooperative relationship with Earth,
and Earth's diversely polyculturing Tribes,
does not grace us with more life and death
than we can handle satisfactorily,
and usefully,
and in good health,
morally and physically,
until S/He does,
and then we can try our best
to learn to sing
and dance
and co-empower,
to learn restoratively together,
or continue to degenerate
with retribution's dark intents and purposes
Restoring democratic climates of health
is also absence of punishing climates of pathology.
Run through democracy's Malls
for cooperative-growing unity
to run away from plutocracy's Centers
for competing-punitive uniformity.