Love Poem: More Beautiful

More Beautiful

We met
Fell in love
Got married

The time passed
Three decades already 
Had children
They grew up 
They left

Now we are alone
Much older, much wiser

The bodily beauty vanished 
Hair got gray, then turned white                 
Wrinkles appeared               
Some pounds were added  

When I look at you, my love, 
And think of what we have been through:
The joys
The pains, 
The agonies, 
The comforts 
My heart finds you more beautiful than
Ever before


You were my companion 
My comrade 
My friend
My allie 
My wife

You never left my side, no matter what
You shared everything with me, good or bad

You were the reason that my life’s trip was

You were the reason that all my dreams came

You the reason that my heart was filled with

You the reason that my soul’s eyes have seen
The real beauty of life:

© Demetrios Trifiatis
  21 SEPTEMBER 2014