More Precious Than Gold
More Precious Than Gold
The Bible calls our faith in God as
more precious than gold
yet how can you put a monetary value on living for an eternity
with Him where you will never grow old?
For just to wake up in His presence and to know that He is always
so near has more value than a human tongue can speak
and being touched by His Spirit makes you feel more than alive
and at our best described as being on a mountain peak.
Over the years that I’ve walked with Him
and the trials and tribulations He has brought me through
one can only say, it must have been God that helped her
with the things that she has had to do.
Divorce and sorrow, sickness and pain
a child of God seems not to have been spared
yet I know Who holds my life in the palm of His hand
and I’ve known more and more He truly does care.
As time has gone by, my faith has grown in Him
a Righteous, Holy, Loving Father for that is what He has been to me
when I was young in His Spirit my earlier misconceptions had
blinded my eyes towards Him not being able of His love to see.
As a baby in Christ I stumbled a lot
and more than once fell upon my face
but, my faith has grown as I’ve learned
to trust more in His awesome grace.
And drawing closer to my twilight years where
at last His face I will finally see
I’ll say thank You, Papa Lord for being so patient and gentle
with a child such as me
Written by: Marilyn S. Jennings
April 21, 2000