More You, Less Me
Whenever I look-see,
And catch sight of the rain,
In me I start to see,
A begun romantic bane.
Love can start out vague,
It hits you in unknowing,
In lang syne 'twas blue,
Now hindsight 'twas grey.
It can come unexpected,
It can thrive unintended,
It can seed as a thought,
And uproot when once drought.
Love seeds when blue grey,
Feels pour when rain falls,
Choices make when none prey,
Love starts when both drawl.
The difference of love,
To a falling in love,
Is the choice of want nurture,
To a ticking idyllic nature.
Familiar love can feel empty,
When it grows sour and redundant,
It only nurtures when both be,
More you and less me.