Morning Peace and Poets
I love breakfast. It is the best~an open window, the glory of God's sun shining in! Just walking in gratitude houseslippers across a shiny, wood floor. what small way, I can make this world better today?
I do know small actions, truly pave the way, I always ponder!
Gratitude is a must on the floral table!
That Candian bacon is just the best. Eggs and English muffins,scrumptious.
And French coffee, is a must!
Writing poetry fills my soul. And I am sure, yours!. It is my passion, my
way to communicate. Then, I can read yours.
Also, I read favorite poets of note. For me, it is EE Cummings and William Wordsworth. Add the sonnets of Shakespeare.
Do wish that you, my friends from PS were here! How I would love to hug each of you.
You know very well who you are. If I could I would fly on my own to meet you! You have impacted my life, forever! Thank you.