Love Poem: Mother
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Written by: Joyce Johnson


“Mother…for whom love was enough”

Love and a sense of humor were Mother’s tools of trade
and a judicial wisdom with every judgment made.

She used no threats, no whips nor straps to discipline her brood.
No swear words or shouts did she employ to force us to be good.

We each were quickly sorry, if misbehaviors or our lies
brought signs of disappointment to her beautiful gray eyes.

Daddy and Mama were a team and didn’t sabotage each other.
His one firm rule that he enforced was a simple “Mind your mother”.

My mother’s meals were evidence of her enduring love,
She turned out her delectables on an ornery old iron stove.

No one ever had to be called twice to one of Mama’s meals.
We came eagerly anticipating the treat each bowl reveals. 

We were so happy at that table, with Daddy at its head,
as we sat thinking of the food, throughout the prayer he led.

She cooked to please our daddy with  Pennsylvania Dutch dishes
And on our birthdays pampered us with our selective wishes.

When we were sick our mama used her love potion to kill
all of the foolish bacteria that had dared to make us ill.

She never was too busy to attend our little bruises,
to wipe our tears with her clean apron, one of its many uses.

She raised her seven children in those days when times were tough.
We didn’t miss the luxuries. She had taught us, “Love’s enough”.

By: Joyce Johnson 8/25/11      For Constance’s contest “Mother”

Won #5