Who can this woman be in my life, some one who is so sweet loving and caring always there when i need a helping hand and always giving me the right direction who can this woman be who supports me when i am right but if I am wrong she would sit me down and talk to me She is strong and virtuous in her ways a strong arm to lean on Who is this woman who always has a cook meal and the house clean and keep all of your things in order who is this woman who mends our clothes and be by ourside when we are sick, Gives us advice even if we dont want it, and always tells us to keep our head to the sky and nver once does she try to make us look small or forsake us, she gives us our rules and tell us that its up to us to listen always in our corner and always has us in her heart at all times no matter the situation you will always know that she is praying for you who is this woman who gives so much love aand go beyond the call of duty, there with open arms and a happy smile and creates joy in our mind this most outstanding woman in our life is our MOTHER one we will never ever forget and one we will love until the end of time, no matter how far we may go our mother is always there and she never stops loving you, Mother is our everything , she that rock that mighty ship that can sail around the world by itself, She that cover of protection that is with us at all times, and we cannot walk away for if we do we will return with open arms and a open heart, becasue she is the best and she deserve a lot when God created Mothers he knew the world would need them more than anything, but i want to say if you ever experince being a mother you will know and understand the nature of this word Mother