Mother Earth
Mother Earth why do you so often cry,
Is it because every day one of your children dies?
Mother Earth why does your wind blow so wildly,
Is it because your children have forgotten how to act mildly?
Mother Earth why do the things you grow continue,
When your children do nothing but ravage you?
Mother Earth why do your rivers continue to wend,
Is it because your children always want to know what is around the next bend?
Mother Earth why are your children so mean,
Is it too late for us to be redeemed?
Mother Earth do you still love the sun,
When so many of your children have left with things undone?
Mother Earth will you always love your children so much,
I know you hunger for their touch.
Mother Earth how do you ever sleep,
When upon you dangerous things do creep?
Mother Earth do you still love your sister the moon,
Will I, your child, lie within you soon?
Mother Earth how can your children ever forget you are always around,
Is that why your tears fall down?
Mother Earth thank you for the blessings you give to me each day,
Thank you for a place for my head to lay.
Mother Earth thank you for my children,
Who have cleansed my soul from within.
Hopefully all of your children will realize just what you do,
And once again start caring for you.
So when the sun rises on a glorious new day,
I will protect you and my children in every way.