Mother Nature's Little Prince
Mother Nature’s Little Prince
A most beautiful little green frog swims quietly and so gracefully
While his eyes gaze gently on a mountain looming in the distance.
He’s at ease as he swims in a deep forest pond warmed by the sun.
Lost catching flies inside the shadows as an echo holds on to a
Certain gentle stillness within him humming with burning sighs.
This little green frog was called “Froggy” by Mother Nature,
And he was her little precious star-light promise of pretty colors.
Froggy was the Gem of Her Eyes: handsome, funny and intelligent
With kindness so overwhelming and a soft-touching tenderness.
He was talkative, and quiet princely by his apparent noble mien.
Froggy had a divine hope and destiny to wish for a dream princess.
Mother Nature knew that “Her Froggy” was indeed so magical as
His golden fingers of light painted a rainbow array of new born life.
“Her Froggy” was much more than a mere amphibian in this life,
Although he was dark green and sprinkled with light black spots.
Froggy lay on a lily leaf faraway as his thoughts sailed freely into
Another world, where his most infectious and funny smile made him
Quite popular and noticeable to a beautiful young fairy princess who
Was smitten instantly with his looks and his princely correct behavior.
For the young fairy princess it was love at first sight—and so precious!
Froggy was slowly changing and love became his desire and passion.
With a purity shone silver in streaming beauties of light pure gold
At the rainbow’s end was a bridge of his loving tears as he sang a
Melodious song of love with a supreme confidence for the princess.
Upon meeting his princess their mutual fate was woven now as one.
Mother Nature’s enchanted wish for “Her Froggy” and his princess
Was now at hand for their love and emotion were now blended as one.
All that remained was that magical kiss to make them both human.
When these two beings of wondrous beauty kissed—the very stars
And comets in Heaven above shone so brightly that night became day!
With love and the omnipotent and majestic whisk of God’s divine hand,
Froggy and his princess metamorphosed into complete human form!
This was truly a sight in Heaven itself to behold and cherish for eternity!
Now they were a royal pair: A prince and his princess in love—reflected
In the radiant colored light of a mystical rainbow of heavenly direction.
Mother Nature cried joyous tears of hope and happiness at this splendid
Occurrence, making the very rivers on Earth flow in a great abundance
With the sweetest and purest mountain spring water one could imagine!
Now as “Her Froggy”—a real prince now—kissed his princess again,
God’s angels anointed them with heavenly star dust shining so brightly!
The new prince now known as “Frederic,” and his princess took their
Royal places in human society with no one ever suspecting or knowing
From whence or where they came, and their divine relationship to
Mother Nature herself, which was her secret and their secret shared
Together and forever to the very end of time!
Gary Bateman and Liam McDaid – A Collaborated Poem,
Copyright © All Rights Reserved (July 5, 2015) (Narrative)