This haunting
Terrorizing emotion
This cord
This ethereal torment
Claws scraping
Twisted biceps lurch my vessel forward
Tattered feet scraping hardened earth
An Emotional void
Refusing to bring this convulsing shell
This once dormant child
To his desire,
And this taught life line would draw on
Till one day
The scraping pain rose in protestation
Too short was the cord
Too mad was its lord
Fate and its twisted lover time
Rose did this merciless oppressor
Its rocky assault upon my person
This mountain of fortitude, firm stone resolve,
Its uneven surface whispers through my shredded fingertips
The blood trickling down these jagged scars would cry
But this smoldering volcano
Hears not the terror in the voices around
It hears only the vibration of the cord
Waves of craze
It hears through them a whisper, a cry, of yearning of longing
Through the mountain
And to the lush beyond:
A haven, obsession for greed
And anchored is the cord
In a maiden
Sleeping lazily under the shade of the mountain, caressed by my tormented breath
Her heavenly winds
This cord that urges at this volcano
This mountain that denies a cascade of burning will
This rocky cage that guards salvation
The things craved the most
Torment the most
For man shall live to conquer mountains, for maidens or for fame
For completion.
© Samir Georges