Mourning of a Fragile Heart - Collaboration
Cold rain is my companion on this night that's gone askew
I walk the street alone, my heart in splinters and shattered
Rain mingles with tears; my world blurred in shades of blue
Love is a paradox of emotions, tossed about and scattered
I walk the street alone, my heart in splinters and shattered
Shadows lengthened in the lambency of burning lamp light
Love is a paradox of emotions, tossed about and scattered
Melancholy memories haunt me in cloudy visions tonight
Shadows lengthened in the lambency of burning lamp light
You say it's over and now I’m left with a fragmented heart
Melancholy memories haunt me in cloudy visions tonight
My pain is raw. I can't comprehend why you would depart
You say it's over and now I’m left with a fragmented heart
Rain mingles with tears; my world blurred in shades of blue
My pain is raw. I can't comprehend why you would depart
Cold rain is my companion on this night that's gone askew
Entered into contest with kind permission of my co-writer
DO- IT (DUETS) Poetry Contest
1-12-18 Image #3
Collaboration Contest
Sponsor: Joseph May