Moving On To Better Times
Hard times are part of life
knocks come, put us in a spin
but turn around walk right on
give the knock a real huge grin
Look up and move on again
remember there's more ground to cover
ground that's been planned for you
take hold with zeal so you'll discover
Don't let the bad times control you
instead, you control them as the boss
show yourself as one who's in charge
taking up with and following your cross
Remember God knows what's best
He's in control leading you along
it may not look like that's true
but in reality, you sing your own song
So better to believe in His grace
fully trust walk in step so close
in the end, you'll be in God's will
receive His fullest blessing as He says
( I have written this for a dear friend who after a lot of years of marriage has been cheated by her husband and needs encouragement and advice to move on in her life hoping for better times.)