Love Poem: Multicolored Persecution
Lord Bard Avatar
Written by: Lord Bard

Multicolored Persecution

We may not agree with you, but we love you.
We may not condone your choices, but we accept you as made in God's image.
We are not afraid of you, but we believe God wants a different life for you.
Why do you say we hate you?
Is it hate to disagree?
Is it hate to prefer our ways?
Is it hate to want to stop you from driving over a cliff?
Is it love to agree with everything you stand for and to submit to all your demands?
Do you hate us?
Then, why do you attempt to destroy those
Who will not bake cakes for you
Arrange bouquets for you
Or ensconce our beliefs?
For testifying our inability
To violate our consciences
With respectful, cordial dictation?
Is that love?
Is it love to hurl
Fecal-laden vulgarities at us?
Is it love to
Threaten us?
Is it tolerance to
Ban our books
And ruin our careers?
Is it open-mindedness
To silence us
And force us to applaud
Your bedroom activities?
Is it tolerance to
Create laws that
Infiltrate our churches and institutions
And imprison our pastors and spiritual leaders?

Why do you force to
Indoctrinate and confuse our children
With curriculum that belongs in the home
And not the school
Why do you steal a parent's right
To teach a child their own values
On sexuality and morality
Why must your pride permeate
Our ballparks
Our museums
And even our embassies?
Is there not more to life
Than sexuality and gender?
What of ethnic pride?
Why must your flag fly
And not the flag of
The immigrants' children
The slaves' children
And especially the murdered natives' children
Why must we pay
For your surgeries and medications
When epipens, inhalers, and many vital surgeries
Are not considered essential or politically correct?
Why must you declare
That the First and Thirteenth Amendments
Do not apply to your causes
Especially as it pertains to the Nazarenes
Even though many
Judeans, Mohammedans, and even Freethinking Atheists
Share our views?

Is this still America?
Then don't censor us
Don't persecute us
But allow us the same freedom
That you seek for yourselves
We are all human
No matter what or how we
We all have the right
To live as we wish
And we all have the right
To live lives contrary to
And we all have the right to
Disagree with
The ways of others
And declare our ways as better
There is still a Bill of Rights
Stars and Stripes
And red, blue, and white
So keep being you
And let us be free
To be us.