Love Poem: Muse On the Loose
Probir Gupta Avatar
Written by: Probir Gupta

Muse On the Loose

Once you are in love
With your fond muse
On the slightest ruse
She’ll get you above

To ornate emptiness
Of aesthetic in grace
Seeking exclusively
Worded art in a glee

Views red and white
Word loud and quiet
Image blue and pink
Rainbows for the ink 

Your mundaneness
Of the gun and fun
Will lose the cages 
Under the cold sun 

Unruffled you’ll see
She makes you airy
You’ll feel the stone
Gone from the lone
Soul, you’re reborn 
With rose and thorn

Tremors in neurons
Get rhododendrons
The exciting flowers
Your creative hours

The single malt fine
Taking to cloud nine
What a lovely refuge
Embracing my muse