He sits alone in silence
In his own little world
A very handsome boy
With hair black as coal
I said hello to him
But he just watches and smiles
Then his father told me
He been deaf since a child
And I hear music play
And I think of him
Wish I cloud do a miracle
So he can hear the music with in
We are so fortunate
Still we do some wrong
It’s unfair for innocent child’
To never hear a song
Music is a gift of live
It helps us thru a rough day
Bring joy to our lives
And chase the loneness away
We never know god works
We can never read his mind
Maybe a child born handicap
Is an angel observing mankind?
The devil says to god
Man worshiping me, .starting wars
God says to him one of mines
Make a million of yours
So we must have faith
One day the deaf hear music plays
And cripple will walk
And the blind will see his way
So as I write this poem
Want to say to my green eye friend
Take care of your self
I need you till this world end