Music's Love
Listening to the sound of music,
to the rise and fall of notes.
Waiting for someone to match your beat.
Sometimes, it is slower,
louder, or faster than you.
The crash of nature,
the nagging of a mother,
the patience of a father,
yelling at your siblings,
the feeling of missing a home,
things that capture your attention.
Understanding, caring,
because you desire to,
not because you can.
Listening to the sound of music,
to the rise and fall of notes.
Waiting for someone to harmonize with.
sometimes you're different,
sometimes they're different,
but when you feel that warmth,
you meet, at an understanding.
In the end, together,
you and they harmonize into one song,
making the world brighter with its noises.
It may seem, perfect, normal, or weird,
but it never is.
For love is never flawless,
never blind to one's faults.
For love is never simple or like any other,
it is unique, each in its own way.
For love is never awkward,
it is like the layers of sound in song,
harmonizing, covering, and pushing
each other,
each note rising above the next.