My Affinity For Them
You see, apart from well brewed coffee,
And soothing rhumba spiced with jazz,
I love women, no l ladies, yes lasses,
They are like whimsical poetry.
Women are well endowed beings,
Beings with soothing lovely voices,
Beings that walk around with precious gourds,
And a backyard full of soft-to-touch orchards.
Imagine of a world devoid of ladies,
It could be a boring one indeed,
Gloominess would loom everywhere,
With deep, hoarse and irritating voices.
If loving them is a sin, I am already a sinner,
If defending them is a crime, I better rot in jail,
No obligation amounts to having 'hot' damsels,
And no purgement can outsmart a pulchritude with sturdy cones.
A certain religious leader always condemns my habit,
He says I will not make it to heaven with my coveting,
Too sad, I have a tattoo on my right deltoid,
And the Holy book says we will not enter Jerusalem!