My Angel
For as long as I can remember
You have always been in my heart
Even when we were miles apart
We never really lost that spark,
From the good times
Through the bad,
It was always the warmth of your
Loving embrace
That I wished I always had.
Seven whole years I spent
Dreaming and wishing
Even though I was with someone else
I wished it was you instead of her,
Looking at your beautiful angelic face,
That’s what I would say was always
My happy place.
About the only thing I can say
At this very moment
Is that I am so sorry I didn’t have the
Courage to come back home,
It took me seven years
To be able to face my fear
And now here I am
Finally after all of these years
Home with you.
My Angel
You are the spark that ignited my fire
The twinkle in my eye
And the warmth of my soul
With this
No matter how rough life may get
I shall never again leave you
For I am with you to the end of time
And it is with that,
Where I belong is exactly
Where I am at.