My Angel
On earth you were my guardian angel
Look down on me from time to time
You're the best Great Grandfather
And I'm proud to call you mine
Please, please don't go
I want you to stay here
But God wants you too
Enjoy Heaven's peers
Ask the prophets lots of questions for me
But remember those you love you on earth
Pledge to praise the Lord for all eternity
The way i pledged to love you from the moment of my birth
I'm so proud of you
All your country singing legends will live on
I'm going to miss you so much
Your laugh and smile I will dwell upon
Have I Told You Lately That I Love You
Those memories I will forever cherish
I'm a better person because of you
What you taught me will never perish
One day I'll see you again
In a place we both call home
I'll be a witness to the entire world
Of the care and love you have shown