Love Poem: My Angel
Gilberta Kime Avatar
Written by: Gilberta Kime

My Angel

you are 
                                                   my angel you
                                                    are with there
                                                     when I am in
                      GOD SEES              need of                         SPREAD                    
                    YOUR WINGS              love                        YOUR WINGS
                SPREAD OUT TO    there is nothing         NOT ONLY FOR 
                CRADDLE ME       I can hide from you      ME BUT ALLOW 
              WHEN I NEED    you see all that I do good   OTHERS TO 
                LOVE GOD    and bad you are there when     FEEL YOU 
               SEES ALL    I am in need of a shoulder to cry      WHEN
             THAT YOU   on you keep up hope for me when  THEY TO
                DO  SO I     I feel all is lost you are there when MAY NEED
            PRAY WHEN   I can no longer see past the evil    SOMEONE
             TIME IS UP          ways          of man       that              TO GIVE
               HE MAY                 is something I will hold                THEM A
               GIVE               close to my heart but you know                L   
                ME A           that you are my light when I can no              I
                    S          longer see my way out of the dark your          F  
                  E          hands will be there to guide me for that I      T  
                    T       will never forget what you have done for me     
                           I feel you over me when I sleep at night It gives 
                       me hope that tomorrow I will awaken to a day of love