My Angel
We took a drive to the beach that night.
Her force was a beacon, and it just felt right.
I had her looking for submarines.
She told me a story of a witch in her teens.
I was drawn to her laughter, among other things.
Her name was Angela, and to me she had wings.
We were inseparable, her and I.
I couldn’t get enough . . . I wanted to fly.
She had me spellbound . . . I was under her power.
We’d sit up and talk, hour after hour.
I wished for nothing with this girl at my side.
Our love was born and my loneliness died.
I wanted her with me for the rest of my life,
so I became her husband and she became my wife.
We lived on love for all of the first year.
We had no money, and no sense of fear.
It didn’t matter if we had nothing to spend:
She was my world and my only best friend.
She gave me a daughter when I was a bit older.
The baby was perfect, and I couldn’t wait to hold her.
She made me proud, this woman of mine.
She was a young mother of the very best kind.
A daughter came again, and I took another oath.
She encouraged me to be a food father to both.
She touched the hearts of those that she knew.
Her magic was powerful, and my respect for her grew.
She supported my wishes, even if they weren’t wise.
I thank the forgiveness in those brown eyes.
She laughed at my jokes, even if they weren’t funny.
She knew how to make a cloudy day sunny.
She lifts my spirit as hers rises still.
For me, life’s a journey. For her, it’s a thrill.
Life is full of crossroads, and it’s hard to know which to take.
Foresight is blind, and decisions are hard to make.
Unsure of which road, I was blessed with a sign.
I’m so glad that it led me to this Angel of mine.