My Angels Heart
Once a wise man said…’If you have been brutally broken..
But still have the courage to be gentle to other living beings…
Then you are a badass with a heart of an angel..”
When I look back at my life.. With all the things I been through…
My heart has been broken, Hurt. Betrayed, used, unloved, forsaken and neglected..
And all the bad things that could happen. Said and unsaid…
I still have a heart not to hate anyone.. Not to curse anyone..
Not to blame anyone.. Not to judge anyone…
Even if I am not at fault even it’s not my mistake.
Even if my kindness taken for granted..
Even if they lie to me with their sweet words..
Even if they pretend to love me and want me..
I still have a heart to forgive.. But I don’t forget..
That’s the heart that lives in side me every day..
I do things for people without expecting anything in return..
I have a strong heart to lift people when they are down..
I have a caring heart helping a person in need..
I know an I truly believe I have a golden heart..
It has been broken more than once…may be thousand times..
But with all the pieces I am still the one..
I still have my painful scars.. Unmanned tears in my heart..
But I am truly a bad ass but with an angel’s heart…
It takes lots of patients,, lot of courage.. lot of time to be that one..
I am proud of my heat because one in a million will have an angel’s heart..!!
Dilu D wijegunasekara
21sr of september 2019