My Appian Way
all roads lead to rome
they used to say
i contemplate the roads I travel
the milestones of oneness
the monuments of memories
i find they lead not to a city in italy
but to our home
walking past the red brick church
where we exchanged vows
joyful, joyful we adore thee
polar opposites: you in white, I in black
each proclaiming "till death do us part"
and here we still are
praise God from whom all blessings flow
riding past the park
where we strolled with the little people
talking to chipmunks and waving at sparrows
accompanied by the soundtrack of early parenthood
the wheels on the bus the itsy bitsy spider
pushing happy swings and riding giggling teeter-totters
growing up together
finger tapping on my steering wheel
our song dances out of the stereo
so happy together how is the weather?
pulling into the driveway
at the end of my appian way
salty smiles coursing down my cheeks
red bricks swingsets favorite songs
all thoughts lead to you
written 13 Feb 2023
[according to wikipedia: "Romans ... were masters of road construction. Their roads began at Rome, where the master itinerarium, or list of destinations along the roads, was located, and extended to the borders of their domain – hence the expression, "All roads lead to Rome".]