My Beautiful Daugter Ella Rose
She was a miracle conceived out of sweet adoration,
I’ve always been grateful for her God-given creation.
No comparison is she to other children I know,
admiring her strength and watching her grow.
When she lost her auntie, she was filled with woe.
A perfect beauty mark right above her right cheek,
it makes her rosy complexion stunning and unique.
We share a bond beyond compare, a rare connection.
When I look back at her youth in deep reflection
I remember all the good we held in adorning affection.
She may never know what she means to her mum.
This mum prays for her to be all she wants to become.
If there were metaphors and syllables to explain
what she means to me and all the memories that remain.
I even love that her room is messy like a hurricane!
She’s significant and momentous without bad behavior
and I have taught her to praise our Lord and Savior.
I am filled with so much joy and calming repose
as I watch all the tiny seeds of kindness she sows.
I am so proud of my beautiful daughter…Ella Rose.
May 16, 2018