My Beloved
"From deep within my heart
I always catch the scent
of my Beloved. How can I
help but follow that fragrance?" By Rumi
As I dashed about from store to store,
We passed in a flash on the sidewalk.
She wore no sign, saying she was kind.
The fragrancy was appealing, like your kind.
The fragrance arrested me as away she went.
I knew it wasn't you, "But wow, that scent!"
The perfume was stunning and head-turning.
Absolutely, an aromatic nose turner.
Although there was major action in the air;
I knew better than to stand there and stare.
Besides, she was not the main attraction.
No. I could not taste;
Nor could I touch.
But I boldly felt the presence of a lady.
I beheld what manner of a woman.
I clearly heard her soft steps.
And I certainly knew that
she reminded me of you.
I did not see her face,
but her fragrance left a trace.
I knew it wasn't you, but still
I wanted to inquire, to learn
of her brand. However, to her
I was a strange man, and I wasn't
sure that she would understand, and
besides, I was a bit afraid to speak to her.
As I turned and continued toward home,
I had pleasing romantic thoughts about you.
It was the sweet perfume of your CHARACTER
It was the fragrance of your SUPPORT.
It was the smell of your ENDURANCE.
It was the scent of your SMILE,
and the aroma of your TRUST.
071922PSCtest, Rhyme Rumi Quote Poetry Contest. Sponsored by: Sotto Poet. 3P