Love Poem: My BFF
Andres Luis Bigote Avatar
Written by: Andres Luis Bigote


Think of me as the friend
You want others to be
Despite my special interest here
That goes beyond just tea

I'll always keep it quiet
I have to as I know
But that doesn't mean we can't share things
That friends do without show

We can have our private book club
And weave and wend our way
Through different kinds of literature
From novels to bouquets

Crosswords, Connections, Wordle
I love to play them all
With my favorite, coolest pardner
No challenge is too small

Music was the catalyst
The commencement of a dream
That started several years ago
While being on a team

And since the time that happened
I've come to love alot
My priceless, precious, bluebird
The one true friend I've got