My Blessing, My Curse
You are my need
For me to keep
Turning the pages of life
You are the one
That runs so deep
To keep a shining sun
You are a cure
To my slow collapse
And everything that is impure
Without you here
I’m a missing soul
That roams the cold streets
In ascending fear
And bare feet
An injured sole
But then again
You turn your back on me
Becoming a reason
To my downfall
The destruction to whom I was to be
A life with no seasons
A Curse
Breaking me down to my grave
Till when will you deny me your love
That I crave
And even after this verse
I still don’t know who you are
Or what you are
Still can’t reach you
You leave me with nothing but scars
You remain so far and missing
So that a part of me is missing too