My Blog For This Day
The good Samaritan was written for us who SAY, ‘they love the Lord’- without people, like ourselves, where would compassion be- we all need love and acceptance. Be people who love till it hurts.
Don't carry stones in your pockets- instead feel them under your feet as you walk humbly and gently towards those He died for.
Be Christ to all -In the name of Jesus our Savior for it was He who washed our feet even our whole bodies with His precious blood; let us respect all life, even our own - for all life was bought with such a high price.
Be thankful everyday! : ) It was the Joy that kept Him going forward to the CROSS and Joy unspeakable He received on the other side of it!
Love no matter, what- yes this is hard- but- so is dying on a cross- and we are called to carry ours daily! Let us who call ourselves Christian-Be an example in word and deed.
© Brenda V Northeast 2012