My Boyfriends Silence
Your looks intrigue me
Your personality has drawn me in
I'm lost
Where are you
Where've you been?
I wonder along like lost at sea
Following a sirens song hoping it is ment to be
This feeling i have,
This care in my heart
Cant be dampened
But ur silence is tearing me apart,
Is the sirens song a lover or a friend?
Will this song never end
What will i do when the melody ends,
Leaving me crashed on the rocks
Never to spend another minute,another hour,
Talking with you,Whatever will i do,
This silence on your end,rends my heart in two
Where are u
Where have u been
Im missing ur sweet words,
Your gorgeous mood and your loving attitude,
Where are u my love i hate this silence
It cuts through me like a knife
Please tell me if u know u won't be around
So i know ur safe and sound,
This bothers me, whatever will I do,I hate this silence
Does it bother u too?