My Bride
Outlining your face, wisps of gorgeous hair
Within those wisps, beauty of no compare
Adorning your face, the most beautiful smile
Sometimes I forget, you have been mine all the while
Deeper still, two jewels for eyes
And in them care with no compromise
Love sparkling from inside
Sometimes my love I did hide
Anchoring your persona, two eyes most sensitive
All they have heard, considered most substantive
And jewelry fades against lobes so tender
Sometimes my time I have forgotten to render
Creation perfection, lips of greatest allure
Words of kindness of love are spoken so pure
Soft and luscious, they summon my soul
Sometimes I conceal, your love is my goal
Contemplating your beauty, i consider no flaw
I gaze in adornment, full of hope and awe
Pondering your love, it has enriched my life
Sometimes I must proclaim, I love my wife