My Cats
I’m here when you want to snuggle up
Climb on my tummy and purr in my face
But don’t lick me with that nasty tongue
After you’ve licked your private place
And don’t knit my shirt to sharpen your claws
‘Cause there’s still cat box residue on your paws
But I love you anyway
And I love you every day
You’re my fur ball friends of so many years
And I thank God every day that you’re here
So, I’ll feed you every day
Shine the laser light so you can play
Make sure your cat box is always fresh
And when you puke, I’ll clean up the mess
I’ll let you curl up with me in bed
I’ll bury you if you wake up dead
I’ll cry as I cover you up with dirt
And pray to God to stop the hurt
Because I love my little fur ball friends
And I’ll love you until the end
But, let’s not think about what may occur
Let’s enjoy every day, my balls of fur
Let’s love one another; let’s frolic and play
Let’s snuggle and cuddle and purr every day
I’ll take care of you; you take care of me
And you’ll be the happiest cats you can be
You’ll keep my blood pressure unusually low
You’re better for me than you’ll ever know
And that’s why I love you, my fur balls of joy
I’m sorry, however, that you’re no longer boys
Oops! I slipped
I had you snipped
Was it that bad?
I hope you’re not mad
Have some ‘Kitty Delight’
You’ll forget by tonight
Meow, meow