My Childhood Lover
"How sweet to the heart are the scenes of my childhood"
Samuel Woodworth, 1785-1842
Take sugar canes; if not, take bitter gourds.
Munch, while listening to my tales, Chums,
My heroic acts ... mischievous records.
Before becoming a teen, ah, beat Drums!
I had a lover, a beautiful maid,
A lovely dame who enticed me with plums.
Straight I went with the rooster's call, and stayed
With her; lay in her lap; explored her map;
And with jackals' howling, homeward I swayed.
Just after school, I went back to her lap,
Drowned in her sap, till rooster did me call.
So wild was our love; so tempt was her tap.
But our love had a crack --- had a great fall;
I went to a town school, and roamed with teams,
Leaving my love, and my lovelier doll.
My lover was the wood, that gleamed through beams;
Sweeter is that scene; I see in my dreams.
Jan. 19, 2021 (Originally posted on Nov. 22, 2020)
COMPLETELY YOUR CHOICE(46) any theme any form Poetry Contest
Contest sponsor: Brian Strand
Syllabic count: 10 syllables in each line (Ref. Poetry Soup)
*A 3rd Place* in the following contest (judged on Nov. 28, 2020)
Nov. 22, 2020
Terza Rima Form Poetry Contest
Contest Sponsor: Constance La France