My Children
My Children
I will write to you my children
Of the times we spent together
Where we played, learning of things
Take heed of my love for you all
Time though sometimes cruel
Can never change my love for you all
Those days when there were no problems
We had time not to talk, just to be
These times I give to you to remember
This is the essence of continuous life
It is a force that can change with time
Though never to be lost as other feelings
Some memories fade my children,
Days of things not good fade away
Times of strife and wars out there
Gone now, as I sit here pen in hand
I recall the births of you my children
My first hold, showing a love
Your first steps carved in stone
A school where we went together
Letting you go to walk with another
To be one with your own world
These are the memories I hold
They never age as this frame does
My children listen for me out there
In the breeze, as you are cooled
In the soft whispers of the night
In the laughter of your children
Think of me now and then
I will be there with you always
Hold me as I do you all, with love
In the memories of eternal time