My Children You Leave Me Frustrated
Frustrated with endless amount of misery and disrepectful words from my
No longer the voices spoken with love nor the laughter that once echoed among
the walls
Screaming from morning till night
No kind words
Just bitter and full of hatred
Hard for me to wake another morn to this life
Bottom line no matter how hard I try it does'nt work
My blood pressure rises and my body shakes
To look at my sons so young in age but they act as if they are big men
It's so hard raising two boys on your own and maintain a fulltime job and trying to
keep your sanity
I pray everynight for this to end and to wake and everything would be like they
once where
You can't turn your back on your kids nor take your love for them away
No matter how hard it is your love is unconditional and you have the life long
resposibility of maintaining them
Nurtouring them and guiding them and trying to be the best you can be for them
It's just tough
As I go to sleep tonight I shall pray again
Only hoping tommorow when I wake it is a better day