My Conversion Story
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Through a special child, He healed me.
Took me by surprise.
For my heart of stone had felt the pain
in his mother's beautiful eyes.
"My son," she said, "has Autism.
Please pray for our family."
From that moment on, my life has changed,
No more, "Poor pitiful me!"
You see, praying for another,
instead of remaining self-absorbed,
opened my heart to receive
a love I could not afford.
This precious little child,
God's gift from heaven above,
and his lovely mother, so grateful,
taught my heart to love.
I knew that this was God at work,
for I was not that good.
To see the sorrow in another's eyes,
I finally understood...
We are given to each other,
companions along the road,
to be Christ in this world,
to help lighten our neighbor's load.
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Entry for Catie Lindsey's Contest, "The Road Less Traveled"
Poet: Ellen Fahey