My Country In 20 Years
I have a dream that our great country NIGERIA
Would be one where the rights of women are respected
One where youths with visions are the lawmakers
One where it's economic stability is the last of its kind
A country with the lowest out of school children
A country where taxes are reflected on infrastructures
A country with the best medical healthcare
A country that practice free and fair election
A country that can be tagged as a tourist nation
A country where the voices of the oppressed are heard
A country where poverty is not an ally
A country where every man is equal before the law
A country where two wrongs don't make a right
A country where forged certificates don't make presidency
A country where uneducated individuals don't make ministers
A country where election forms don't cost a fortune
A country where government officials don't take bribe
In 20 years from now, I see a leader with a vision
One with a great mission
And utmost determination
That will lead us to our destination
One that would bring about less marginalisation
And increased creative innovation
This dream is the FUTURE OF NIGERIA
And this future lies in the hands of the next generation
So help us God....