My Dark Prince,Lust
If I could stop myself I would but when your hands touched my body my hair stood
As you pulled me back into your embrace and I felt "him" I was hooked
Sparks of pleasure went through my backbone because I shamefully could not resist
Kisses placed on my neck, my blood rushed and the heat of the moment caught me unaware
I felt your breath all through my body and my tender breasts went perky as you reached for my nape
then I decided there and then although my feelings told me otherwise to crush this living dream
divert the course with the only power I had left, my mouth
Please heart listen to my mind
I have opened my ears to sweet fruits of pleasure and deafened myself to bitter lemons of reality
Eyes let me see for I am blinded by this dark prince
Light illuminate for i am stuck in the dark
Melting in the arms of the dark prince
Pinch me now please someone from what I feel this must be a dream
I have already descended and drowned in this sea of lust
I want to jump into his open arms head first
I wish he could realize
The fire that burns in this heart of mine
The lust that conquers sanity
Power of the physical gave me clarity
The lanky piece of wonderfully crafted "MAN"
His boyish side revealed through his age
His experience shouts he has lived for ages
"HE" has the POWER
"HE" left me breathless
"HE" gave me life
Paradise between his thighs
My heart has gone black
The "DESIRE" is back with a bang
Give me everything you have and more
Thrust against me I need the POWER
Take me now My dark prince