My Daughter
My daughter is only 10 years young,
but she's studying to learn a foreign tongue.
She makes many friends and loves without fear,
bringing bursts of warmth through the atmosphere.
Sunbeam locks caress her fresh glowing face,
and her lake eyes reflect a gentle grace.
Her smile swings wide like a jumping rope,
circulating kindness and future hope.
She's a star on skates and a babe on a bike.
She plays with makeup and dresses ladylike.
She's great at maintaining an artist's mess.
Her favorite subject at school is recess.
She rules over our hearts as queen of all slime,
and still loves a hug and kiss at bedtime.
Her small fingers strum her ukulele
with a new song, dedicated to me.
She's the kind of girl I would love to be,
with the best genes of my husband and me.
Our recessive traits are a hidden gem.
In her unique presence, she unfolds them.
She's a hybrid of sweet and sassy swirled.
What a pleasure to share her with the world!