Love Poem: My Dearest

My Dearest

              my love,
        I have written you these last words
      for you must make a journey up above
        but you can take my heart . . . 
  I will be forevermore broken by your young death,
  and recall holding you in my arms 'till your last earthly breath;
    I whispered love you-  and will whisper that often,
  as this tear-stained love letter I slip into your eternal coffin.

              I thought,
        we would grow happy, old and gray
     cannot recall a day we fought . . . 
        and will treasure each precious day, 
  I love you so much and will always carry you with me.
  Now, sail my love on the soft waves of the sea,
      forever, ever my true blue love and darling.

  "oh, you visited me today in the song of a starling . . "

January 7, 2021

Poetry/Rhyme/My Dearest
Copyright Protected, ID 01-1319-313-07
All Rights Reserved, 2021, Constance La France

Written for the Premier contest, The Last Love Letter
sponsor, Mystic Rose, Rose, Judged 01/08/21

Submitted to the Standard contest, Podium Placing Promise (7)
Sponsor, Brian Strand, Judged 01/13/21

Second Place