My Dearest Papa
Lingering, in the dusky haze,
Is your ever-affectionate gaze,
Your effervescence, always, does stay,
To my heart, marking its way,
This eternal tranquil love of yours,
Every problem, it successfully cures,
Your blessings, with devotion, I do heed,
You beyond doubt, O Papa, are a dreadful need,
A phase of rejuvenation, of my life, this is,
Affected by a warm hug, a small kiss,
A deep significance, this triumph beholds,
From this, a love lasting an eon, unfolds,
Dear Daddy, all that I wanna tell,
There’s a prominent spot in my heart where you dwell,
Success would have merely been,
A far- fetched reverie once seen.
But you gave me a great chance,
To strike up, and accomplish my trance,
Daddy, you corrected all my mistakes,
And I’ll always value that, whatever it takes. .
I at all times do wonder,
Why opportunities go all blunder,
Why the problems ain’t solved in an instant,
Why before every trouble, life has to bend,
You led me out of the doubts,
Fished a grin out of my pouts,
Life is to face, fight and fright them all,
With you beside, dad, I can really stand tall,
Confusions always flicker in my mind,
Does God exist, I really wanna find,
But a look at my dad and mom, once I take,
And my heart tells me, “Now don’t fake,
“There they stand, before thee,
“And all the while, you moron can’t see”,
The realization, in me, soon did dawn,
Such a great fortune— from God was I born!