My Destruction
Travelling forlorn in the desert of an imperfect life
in the maze of your deceptive dunes I wander,
enticed, I’m seduced by your face behind the mask,
my broken heart turns into debris in your swathe.
I don’t know where I’m meant to be and to belong,
but try to find a place in the oasis of your flawed love.
I end up becoming dense dust in the cracked wasteland
and blow away to the obscurity in the desert storm.
From the tree of yearning that grew in desolation,
I’m now dislodged and meandering as a torn leaf,
rustling with the tormenting tune of melancholic music,
on its journey of despair beyond the horizon of isolation.
Under the scorching sun burning the façade of desire,
as I drift desiccated across the dunes of deprivation
with shifting sands of time designing myriad of illusion,
in the mirage flashing in your eyes I see my destruction.
June 19, 2021
Contest : Writing Prompt-Flawed
Sponsor : Constance Le France