My Dragobetess, Olayinka
O, Darling, my Dragobetess
Endless kindness, love of Her Holiness
Born are you this day
As today birds are betrothed
I know why Dragobete was her best
His love and kindness, Holy Mary in joy
24th of 3rd Month mine was born
But why was love entwined to Valentine?
When 14th of 3rd Month our love entwined
What is the secret of month of March?
As Angels in bow this day
Could Mary have been born today?
When in songs and praise you came
As Cupid in race of mate to grace
24th of March to praise His reign
In truth today with love I come
To praise the day my love was born
After all, La belle plume fait le bel oiseau
Come ‘Layinka, let’s pluck honeysuckle
Vernal flowers pure as dew
And celebrate today with Japan Rose
Oui, La belle plume fait le bel oiseau
Yes, fine feathers make fine birds
Happy birthday, my Second Soul