My Dreams Speak To Me
My dreams speak to me in
This strange tongue asking
Questions I wish I’d dream the
Answers to I wish I knew how
Time could spin this way tell me
Why it’s like this and I miss you
Even more when I see that empty
Spot where your shoes should be
When I feel this empty spot where
My heart should be it’s no longer
There these things my dreams tell
Me to say like I knew I missed you
Before I even met you how did my
Dreams know to love you before I
Ever knew your pain I’m here to
Soothe your past hurts yesterday’s
Flirts with danger I’m the man you’ll
Call stranger cause I want you to feel
Things you’ve never felt so good before
Me just let me un-break your butterfly
Wings let me love you with rings around
Saturn let me kiss you with his lips the
Man in the moon’s he scribes your name
In star dust and comet tails he wrote you
This poem with sunshine and storms of
Hail your forever I beg to take that
Punishment day long absences for moments
Tick to and from your morning face I just
Had this dream now it replays again tonight
I heard your voice my dreams speak to me