Love Poem: My Escape From Never
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Written by: Renee Asbury

My Escape From Never

It’s lonely here without you. I suppose it’s just the change.
I can’t exactly recall what it is I miss about you
Though I know it is not the many hugs I never received 
Or the innocent whispers that never seemed to reach my ears
Maybe it is all the times we never held each others hands
Or all the evenings we never really had together 
I ponder to why I want you here, to why you just can’t leave me alone!
I am sure it is not the nights of long conversations we pretended to have 
Or the way we thought we knew each other and never really did
To I wonder if it could be all the sweet things we never did for one another
Or the many candle lit dinners that we never attended
For it might be the wonderful days we planned at the park with the kids but for some 
reason we never made it
I thought it could have been the amazing days at the beach when our feet never even 
touched the sand

All the things we never did, all things we could have done, all the things we might have 
But I now realize it takes more than one person to be in-love 
And so today I comprehend my loneliness and I am beginning to understand all of it I 
could even somewhat explain 

I am feeling empty because I have been alone and empty for so long 
I am only missing you because I started to get way to use to never
And never is what we always have been 
I am just so sorry it took so long to get absolutely nowhere
And you will one day be just another memory
A memory that will never go away!